Thursday, March 26, 2009

We Have Finally Found The Answer To Permanent Fat Loss!! Ice Cream

Finally!! Researchers have cracked the case for losing fat forever. After many exhaustive tests, experiments and clinical trials, scientists have announced today that the best food to eat to melt the fat and keep it off forever is ice cream!!

How great is that. You can have dessert and shed the pounds at the same time. The studies show that the frozen composition of ice cream actually raises the body's metabolism higher than eating room temperature food. This causes the body to burn more calories at a higher rate. So they recommend that you eat about 4-5 servings of ice cream a day to keep your metabolism burning high to create the best environment for rapid fat loss.

Ben and Jerry's here I come!!

Now I hope you're reading this and thinking... this sounds too good to be true.

I know you're smart enough not to fall for put the ice cream down :)

Unfortunately, many Americans have tried a lot of fad diets out there and have failed. Now it doesn't make you a bad person for trying to make yourself healthier by going on one of these fad diets. You just didn't have the right information that you needed to make an educated choice. That all changes now.

Fad dieting goes way back and some I find to be pretty unusual. I found things on the vinegar and water diet back in the 1820's.

Then in the 1920's there was the popular cigarette diet that boosted Lucky Strike sales by more than 200% with the slogan "Reach for a Lucky instead of a sweet"!

Another was the Sleeping Beauty diet that had you zonk out on sedatives for a few days. Can't eat while you're unconscious i guess.

Some more fad diets are the cabbage soup diet and the grapefruit diet that seemed to be popular in the 90's.

To keep yourself from being a victim and falling for another dangerous fad diet, read this:

The bottom line is you have to be willing to put in the work to get the results you want. This isn't about finding the best diet plan to go on. It's about making a lifestyle change, to become more physically active, eat smaller portions, and trying to eat healthier foods instead of prepackaged crap and fast food sludge.

Take personal responsibility and make better choices for yourself. You only have one body in this world, so you better take care of it!

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Brain Teaser

So I posted this to you guys last week. I got some really interesting answers to this and a couple of people actually got this right! I was pretty impressed.

So here was the question from last week:

It costs nothing, but creates much.It enriches those who receive, without impoverishing those who give.It happens in a flash and the memory of it sometimes lasts forever. None are so rich they can get along without it, and none so poor but are richer for its benefits. It creates happiness in the home, fosters good will in a business, and is the countersign of friends.It is rest to the weary, daylight to the discouraged, sunshine to the sad, and Nature's best antidote for trouble.Yet it cannot be bought, begged, borrowed, or stolen, for it is something that is no earthly good to anybody till it is given away.

What am I describing??

Drum roll please......

A Smile :)

Anybody that got this right, make a comment and let us know.

Have a good day.


Thursday, March 5, 2009

5 Super Quick Tips To Burn That Flab

My boot camps hear me say this over and over like a broken record... nutrition is 80% of the fat loss game. You CAN'T out-work a crappy diet! It will eventually catch up with you, guaranteed.

One of my professors from college told me a story awhile back of how he went on vacation to visit some of his old friends. He's an active guy and is in great shape. His friends said they also stayed fairly active, so they decided to go to the gym and get a workout in before their day got busy.

Now my professor did his normal strength training routine and cardio workout. He watched as his buddies just cranked out a ton of crunches and were just trying to smoke their abs. They would do a couple curls here and there, but their main goal was to work on their gut.

After the workout, they all went out to eat and guess what his "500 crunch" buddies were ordering...pitchers of beer! Now just to let you know, his friends did not have six pack abs as you would think from all that ab work. They had guts on them...sporting the beer belly look.

And they wondered why they couldn't lose that spare tire and get their abs to show. Like I said, you can't out-work a crappy diet, period.

Here are five super simple fat loss tips you can easily follow to start getting your nutrition back on track:

1) Be Prepared- Follow the motto of the Boy Scouts. Prepare your meals ahead of time. I like to use a couples hours on Sunday to get a general outline of what meals I will eat for the week and also knock out most of my shopping. At least make a blueprint so you have some plan and make adjustments throughout the week as necessary. If you fail to plan, then plan to fail.
Cmon, if little Billy has to do it, so can you.

2) Don't Listen To Your Mom- Remember when you were always told to eat three square meals a day...well stop that right now. Shoot for a minimum of four small meals a day but optimally six small meals (every 2-3 hours) for rapid fat loss. Why? Because you need to control your metabolism and insulin levels. To do this, you need a steady flow of nutrients into your body throughout the day. If you only eat 2-3 meals per day, your blood sugar rapidly rises once you eat the meal and then crashes down a couple hours after. This causes your body to store fat and everything that much tighter because it knows you won't feed it for another 8 hours.

3) Stop guzzling liquid sugar. Yes, I mean soft drinks, juices and bottles of iced tea loaded with high fructose corn syrup. For the most part, a 12 oz can of cola is 150 calories of pure sugar. Have a couple of those a day on top of what you already eat and you could be hitting the 3000-4000 mark in calories per day! Remember, to lose one pound of fat, you need to burn 3500 calories....and it works the same in the reverse, yikes!

4) I've talked about this a million times - eat breakfast! If you want to make fat loss easy then make sure you start your metabolism off on the right foot. I would even prefer a pop tart over's that important. Enough said.

5) H2O- Water is the most important element to the body. It makes up 60% of your body weight and go without if for a few days and you'll be dead. So it only makes sense to make drinking water a main pillar in your nutrition. Try and drink at least 1-2 glasses with each and every meal. This will not only keep you hydrated, but also keep you from overeating. The more water you drink, the less water you'll retain...just so you know ladies :)

* Bonus tip*

If you're having trouble with your nutrition and want to get the proper nutrients without all the calories, check out a whole foods based multi. Try Prograde Nutrition's VGF 25+ because it's made from 25 whole veggies, greens, and fruits.

Men visit-

Women visit-

Yours in health,

Mike Bevard, CPT (ACSM)

PS- Have you sent your friends here yet-