Thursday, April 15, 2010

Death, Taxes and a HUGE Boot Camp Discount For YOU!

To quote the great Ben Franklin "Of two things you can be certain: Death and Taxes"

Yes, it's that time of the year again and today is Tax Day...and for some that equals dread over a big bill due to Uncle Sam. For others, it means a windfall of cash in the form of a tax refund check.

So as I wrapped up my taxes and I got a not so nice surprise... I'm gonna have to write a great big check and send it off to the IRS.

I should have seen this coming.
My training biz has been doing really well for it's first year in business but this just caught me off guard a bit.
In any case, I need to bring in some cash quickly to pay this bill.
So bottom line....I'm gonna give you a HUGE discount on my boot camps and save you a ton of your hard earned moolah!

Here's the deal....
You get 50% OFF on a one year paid in full membership to Capital City Boot Camps!!
Call it an "IRS sale" if you will.
You get the following boot camp training packages on sale...
-HARDCORE 5x Week Package for ONLY $1,314 (normally $2,628/yr)
-RAPID RESULTS 3x Week Package for ONLY $714 (normally $1,428/yr)
-BUSY PERSON 2x Week Package for ONLY $474 (normally $948/yr)
-EXPRESS FITNESS 1x Week Package for ONLY $234 (normally $468/yr)
Click here to get your discount ---->
This is a great opportunity for you to take advantage of so you can put your focus on training hard and getting results for the next 12 months!

THIS OFFER EXPIRES April 30th, 2010.
.....this is a one time deal and you will NEVER see our prices this low again.
Disclaimer- Due to the large reduction in price, there is NO REFUND after the purchase of your 12 month paid in full membership if you do not hold up your bargain and complete your full 12 months of training due to moving, time conflicts, travel, etc.. The 12 months must be completed in a consecutive manner and MAY NOT be broken up into smaller 3 or 6 month increments to be used at your convenience.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Shout Out To A Few Elite Campers!!

“Fat loss is an all-out war. Give it 28 days — only 28 days. Attack it with all you have. It’s not a lifestyle choice; it’s a battle. Lose fat and then get back into moderation. There’s another one for you: moderation. Revelation says it best: ‘You are lukewarm and I shall spit you out.’ Moderation is for sissies.”— Dan John, legend

 Now there's a great quote for the kind of mentality you need to have to lose fat, change your body and keep it that way for life.

I just wanted to give a shout out to a few boot campers who have done an outstanding job these past few months and deserve some credit for their results! :)

 Shea Timmerman- Shea started the camp about a month ago and so far has lost 4.5 inches and 2 dress sizes and has cleaned up her eating and attends our 9am/7:30pm boot camp and 6:30pm FitBoxing classes at least 3-4 times per week.

 Christine Keating- Christine has been in the camp for about two months and participated in the Mosier-Timperly Weight Loss Challenge and tied for 5th place out of 84 people!! She lost 19 scale pounds and 5.1%. So that means she lost over 15 lbs of body fat! Way to go ;) Christine attends the 5:45am boot camp 3 times per week.

 Trent Maly- Dr. Maly is my personal chiropractor at MT Chiro and has been attending the 5:45am camp for close to a year now. His office just finished their weight loss challenge last week and he ended up being the winner by dropping 15 lbs and 6.5% body fat in three months! Plus he just won a gift card to Scheels during our Weekend Core Challenge where he held a front plank for 11:11 and actually broke the overall record of 7:37 set by Lyndsey Gardner. BUT he did have to battle for it as Ashley Deisler also broke the record and set a new female record of 10:15!

These are just a few of many others in the camp who have taken it up a notch the last few months and decided to fight the fat loss battle with everything they have.
Great job everybody and keep going strong!
Get after it!
Please feel free to leave a comment below to congratulate your fellow boot campers and show your support!

Monday, April 5, 2010

Burn Fat With This Six-Pack of Beer!

Here's a common question I get a lot of times when I talk to people about losing fat and changing their eating habits.

" So how many beers can I have?" or " Can I still drink wine?"

Well this week in our boot camps we are having a nutrition challenge of NO ALCOHOL for the next 7 days. For some this may be easy, but for others this will be a challenge.

If you are serious about losing fat and shrinking your waist line, then you need to seriously limit how much alcohol you consume.

Why? According to the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, alcohol is fat-sparing, meaning the body burns alcohol first before it burns fat for fuel. Drinking alcohol stops the body from burning fat as energy just as skipping meals and not getting enough rest does. Not only does alcohol shut down fat burning but it also causes the body to make even more bodyfat.

Plus drinking alcohol increases the desire to eat more high-calorie foods which is the worst thing you can do when the fat burning process is shut down. So your body just stores more fat and makes it harder to get rid of.

A glass of regular beer or wine supplies more than 100 calories. Reduce calories by choosing light beers, limiting the amount or switching to non-alcoholic beers and wines. Regular beer and wine are lower in calories than mixed drinks, such as martinis and margaritas.
Here is a little breakdown of calories in alcohol from

Calories in Beer
A 12-ounce bottle of regular beer delivers 153 calories, while its light beer counterpart is only 103 calories, according to the United States Department of Agriculture's National Nutrient Database. Beer companies have been trying to cut calories, and Budweiser has stolen the show. Calling it "the lightest beer in the world," Budweiser offers BUD Select 55, a light beer that delivers only 55 calories for a 12-ounce bottle.

Calories in Wine
A five-ounce glass of red or white table wine is 121 to 125 calories. Dessert wines are higher. A 3.5-ounce glass of dry dessert wine is 157 calories, and a sweet dessert wine is 165 calories. Note that a 5-ounce glass of non-alcoholic wine is only 10 calories!!

Bottomless Cup
Waiters and friends like to refill that wine glass or toss you another beer. Calories add up fast. Two 5-ounce glasses of wine totals 242 to 250 calories, and three glasses total 363 to 375 calories. Two regular beers are 306 calories, and three are 459 calories.

Beer and Wine Compared with Hard Liquor
A 1.5-ounce shot of vodka, rum, gin or whiskey is 97 calories. One shot full of hard liquor served on the rocks is less calories than a glass of regular beer or wine. Mixers can add many more calories. One apple martini is 235 calories, according to Calorie King. One large margarita is 325 calories, according to The Daily Plate.

So what if still want to drink alcohol and lose your love handles?

Well if you're looking to get drunk and wasted, then I'm afraid there's no solution for you....but if you just like the taste of beer and want to have a couple with your cheat day meal, then maybe there's one beer that can help you satisfy that craving and still keep that fat burning furnace running on high.

Try O'Doul's. Yes...I know it's non-alcoholic. Get over it ;)

It has everything beer has and it tastes really similar to regular domestic beers.  Plus it also contains zero crap carbs like High Fructose Corn Syrup. Eventhough it does says non-alcoholic, it still contains a trace of alcohol in it. But it takes 10 O'Doul beers to equal the alcohol amount of 1 regular beer! You can also get non-alcoholic wine with only 10 calories per 5 oz glass.

So if your serious about losing fat and getting in shape, then try our Boot Camp Challenge Week of NO ALCOHOL for next 7 days and post your comments on how you're doing below.

But here's the bottom line, alcohol and a leaner, stronger body just doesn't mix.

Get After It!

Friday, April 2, 2010

Why Am I Not Losing Fat On My Weight Loss Diet!?

Maybe this question is going through your head right now.

You find that you workout all the time and kick some serious butt in the gym.

You say that you eat healthy most of the time and that nutrition isn't the problem.

But have you really looked at what you consider "healthy" eating.... maybe you're not eating as healthy as you think.

Check out this great video by my friend and fitness professional Scott Colby aka The Abs Expert. If you want more information from Scott, check out his website and get 20 FREE Abs Training Videos

Watch the video below:

What are your thoughts on this topic? What things do you have that you thought were healthy but actually fall into the unhealthy category?