Monday, March 8, 2010

My Beach Body Pump Workout

With the winter coming to a close and the smell of spring finally in the air, it's time we get busy with this great beach body workout so we can have some fun in the sun!

So grab your weights, towel and water bottle and lace up your shoes so you can get ready to workout with me during this full beach body pump workout hosted by my friend BJ Gaddour and Workout Muse in the first ever LIVE "Crank It With BJ" event that I did on Saturday!

This workout was a killer and you can see and hear me along with BJ suffer throughout this 30-15 six exercise circuit. Just a quick warning, this is a raw and uncensored video, so you may want some ear muffs around the 4th circuit in a couple spots! ;)

The main workout takes about 35-40 minutes and then I finish with some stretching. I also show you a little foam rolling routine I do after my workouts that really help to relieve sore and tight muscles and keep your body healthy and speed up recovery.

Killer Beach Body PUMP Workout:

Beach Body Full Workout from Mike Bevard on Vimeo.

Here's the workout for you to follow along with courtesy of Workout Muse:

Circuit#1- Bodyweight
(Repeat this circuit for entire workout if you don't have equipment)
1- Speed/Jump Squat
2- T-Push-up
3- Prisoner Split Squat (L)
4- Prisoner Split Squat (R)
5- Hip Extension (L)
6- Hip Extension (R)

Circuit#2- Kettlebell
(Substitute dumbbells if you don't have a kettlebell)
1- Swings
2- 1-Arm Squat to Press (L)
3- 1-Arm Squat to Press (R)
4- Bent-Over Rows
5- SLDL (L)
6- SLDL (R)

Circuit#3- Band
(Substitute dumbbells if you don't have bands)
1- Squat to Overhead Press
2- High Pull
3- Push-up
4- Bent-Over Rows
5- Squat to Chest Presses
6- Bicep Curls

Circuit#4- TRX
1- Suspended Squat Jumps
2- Suspended Rows
3- Suspended Push-ups or regular pushups
4- Suspended Biceps Curls or DB curls
5- Suspended Triceps Extensions or DB Skull Crushers
6- Suspended Single Leg Squat

Circuit#5- Arms and Abs Blaster
1- 1-Arm DB Curl to Press (L)
2- 1-Arm DB Curl to Press (R)
3- KB X-Body Mountain Climber
4-6: Repeat 1-3

FINISHER- Run in Place for the final 90-seconds of active recovery to make that body change!!

If you made it through the workout, post your comments below and let me know what you thought!

Get After it!!

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