Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Shout Out To A Few Elite Campers!!

“Fat loss is an all-out war. Give it 28 days — only 28 days. Attack it with all you have. It’s not a lifestyle choice; it’s a battle. Lose fat and then get back into moderation. There’s another one for you: moderation. Revelation says it best: ‘You are lukewarm and I shall spit you out.’ Moderation is for sissies.”— Dan John, legend

 Now there's a great quote for the kind of mentality you need to have to lose fat, change your body and keep it that way for life.

I just wanted to give a shout out to a few boot campers who have done an outstanding job these past few months and deserve some credit for their results! :)

 Shea Timmerman- Shea started the camp about a month ago and so far has lost 4.5 inches and 2 dress sizes and has cleaned up her eating and attends our 9am/7:30pm boot camp and 6:30pm FitBoxing classes at least 3-4 times per week.

 Christine Keating- Christine has been in the camp for about two months and participated in the Mosier-Timperly Weight Loss Challenge and tied for 5th place out of 84 people!! She lost 19 scale pounds and 5.1%. So that means she lost over 15 lbs of body fat! Way to go ;) Christine attends the 5:45am boot camp 3 times per week.

 Trent Maly- Dr. Maly is my personal chiropractor at MT Chiro and has been attending the 5:45am camp for close to a year now. His office just finished their weight loss challenge last week and he ended up being the winner by dropping 15 lbs and 6.5% body fat in three months! Plus he just won a gift card to Scheels during our Weekend Core Challenge where he held a front plank for 11:11 and actually broke the overall record of 7:37 set by Lyndsey Gardner. BUT he did have to battle for it as Ashley Deisler also broke the record and set a new female record of 10:15!

These are just a few of many others in the camp who have taken it up a notch the last few months and decided to fight the fat loss battle with everything they have.
Great job everybody and keep going strong!
Get after it!
Please feel free to leave a comment below to congratulate your fellow boot campers and show your support!

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