Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Larry The Cable Guy Helps Boot Camper Tiffany Verzal and Family!

A lot of times you hear about celebrities and how they bought a new mansion for $25 million or bought a couple new sports cars to add to their collection or how they blew a half a million dollars to throw themselves a birthday party.

But then there are the rare few..

The ones who realize that with great fortune comes great power...the power to change lives and make a difference in the world.

Click the link below to watch a great video on this exciting event and christmas blessing for the Verzal family that will be able to help countless families in the future!
Click The Link Below:
Larry The Cable Guy Donates Money for Alexis Verzal Rehab Center

Just yesterday, Larry The Cable Guy (Dan Whitney) proved that he is one of the rare few.

He announced Monday his charitable organization, the Git-R-Done Foundation, will donate $1.2 million to develop a new 14-bed children’s rehabilitation center within the Madonna Rehabilitation Hospital. The new facility will be named “The Alexis Verzal Children’s Rehabilitation Hospital at Madonna” in honor of the 13-month-old Texas girl who suffered a brain injury in 2008.

Tiffany Verzal, mother of Alexis, has been a member of Capital City Boot Camps since October and you can find her sweating and working hard with the 5:45am crew :)
Her and her husband Brandon moved to Lincoln from Texas this past year to bring Alexis closer to the Madonna Rehab Center and give her the best care in the nation.

Also, be sure to watch a brief clip of the documentary that Tiffany and Brandon Verzal, owners of V2 Content, made of their daughter's journey dealing with a traumatic brain injury as well as documenting the journey of other TBI patients.

Get After It!

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