Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Snow Day Fat Blasting Workouts!

Well it's official...it's WINTER here in Nebraska! Lincoln's first major snow storm is upon us and all the kids are going to enjoy a nice snow day today due to the schools closing.

Since you probably won't be going to a stuffy gym to workout in this weather, I have designed a couple of snow day fat blasting cardio workouts for you to do at home.

You've probably heard that slow and steady wins the race. But the cardiovascular key to fat burning is to use interval cardio workouts that alternate high-intensity levels with lower-intensity effort. That formula keeps your body burning calories long after you've stopped working out.

Workout 1-
Equipment Workout:
If you have a bike/treadmill/rowing machine/elliptical at home

Interval Variation: Pyramid
This pyramid structure allows you to start with short bursts of speed, and then you'll peak at the longest surge of energy in the middle of your workout before coming back down.
3 - 5 minutes warmup
30 seconds high intensity, 1 minute low intensity
45 seconds high intensity, 1 minute low intensity
60 seconds high intensity, 1 minute low intensity
90 seconds high intensity, 1 minute low intensity
60 seconds high intensity, 1 minute low intensity
45 seconds high intensity, 1 minute low intensity
30 seconds high intensity
3 - 5 minutes cooldown

Workout 2-
Body Weight Cardio Workout:
Boot Camp Warm-Up (5 min)-
1. Reverse Lunges
2. Lateral Lunges
3. Single Leg Toe Touches
4. Front Pillar Hold
5. Windmills

Alternate between the three exercises without resting. For your first round, do 10 repetitions of each exercise. For your second round, do 9 reps. Then do 8 reps for your third round, and so on. Go as low as you can, or until you reach zero.
1. Squat Jumps
2. Burpees aka: Squat Thrusts
3. Mt. Climbers (count the left knee for your reps)

Finisher: (3 min)
1. High Knee Sprints in Place- 30s
2. Bicycle Crunches- 30s
3. High Knee Sprints- 30s
4. Flutter Kicks-30s
5. High Knee Sprints-30s
6. V-Ups-30s

Cooldown-3-5 min

Have fun and be safe in this winter weather!
Get After It!

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